Sunday, October 5, 2008


so what do you think of my moody banner or whatever you call that thing at the top!!;p

which one was better the last one or this one honestly!!;p


J o u j a™ said...

WOW me love it
3ad i wanna get a new one b3d ;p

3anooda said...

LOOL u will hate me but i dont remember the old one. this one is great though. i LOVE it

ARTFUL said...

hatha 7lo

kel shay mnch mo 7lo qa9di 7lo ;s

Seattle dude said...

i like it, its very "my lil fire-cracker in a bottle lil sis meemz" kind of thing...

or whatever!!!

Anonymous said...

this is cool bs i cant recall the previous one :D

Technogal said...

honestly I like it :) and I think it's better than the previous one!

rencontrer Pauline said...

entay el devilish:P walla 3jeeb a7la mn gabel o haj el winks ;);)

doona said...

me likey :)

ARTFUL said...

ma radat 3laina al'6aher 3ndha wajbat kthiirah ;p

MeeMzZ said...

first of all i would like to apologize for not replying and artful yes i have tuns of homework to take care of and quizzes and test and you know what i mean SCHOOOL STUFF!!;P

J o u j a™
min thoqich!!;p WELCOME BAAAAAAACK!!;P ME MISS YEW!!;P hehehe

LOOL no prob ilmohim i3jibich!!;p

WOOOOW artful ur starting to freak me out!!;p

LOOOOL...'9a7aktnee (NOT)!! hehehe;p

Seattle dude
LOOOOOL!!;p *smile shaga wayhee* ;p hehehe

YAH I know even 3anooda wll, it was the the girl that had her half face shown and it was white and it had something to do with music!!;p hope that helps u remember!!;p

and 3ANOODA read this too it might make u remember!!;p

YAAAY!!;P thanks!!;p

♥ P-Ella ♥
LOOOOOOOOL...THANX;P il mohim i3jibtich ow take this wink ;**!!;p hehehe

GLADE you likey :) hehehe

J o u j a™ said...

hehe :D
7abeebty u ,, me miss YEW more ;p

Gee™ said...

zooqa :D

MeeMzZ said...

J o u j a™

3yooonich zooqa!!;p hehehe

mo3ath said...

هذا احلى :)

عجبني devil خصوصا :)